Realtor’s Rewards

Calling All Realtors!
We love referrals and are glad to offer you some incredible incentives to help spread the word about Integrity Cleaning & Restoration!

FREE use of our professional ozone machine to help eliminate distracting smoke odors, musty smells, and animal odors. A $300 value every time!

10% savings on all cleaning services for you and your clients.

Referral certificates good for 10% of any referral that you can use towards cleaning services and gifts for clients.

A FREE lifetime supply of Spot-Out carpet cleaner and a 12-month Spot and Spill Protection Plan with all cleanings while the listing is on the market.

FREE presentations on water damage indicators, odor control, mold identification, and lead abatement.

Up to three FREE mold inspections per year, a $128 value each time

And maybe best of all, FREE CHOCOLATE!! We’ll stop by periodically to top off your candy dish with delectable, fattening and tasty chocolate treats, FREE!
Get A Free Quote Today!
Transform your space with ease! Discover our premier cleaning and restoration services in Newton, IA. Get a free quote today and revive your home or office with comfort. From deep cleaning to precise restoration, we meet your needs with perfection. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the difference!